Speed. Simplicity. Choice
Acquirers Connect to dozens of acquiring bank connections via a single API.
APM’s Ever-expanding suite of over 120 Alternative Payment Methods.
Reporting Consolidated reporting on all connections in a data-rich customisable dashboard.
Intelligent Routing
The typical enterprise level merchant requires integrations to many acquirers and PSPs in order to maximise their transactional acceptance rates whilst keeping costs at an acceptable minimum.
In the first instance it is crucial to have access to the best performing PSPs and acquirers at a regional and market level, but also to have additional providers available to allow for failed transactions to be retried to maximise the chances of acceptance. This is called auto re-routing, or cascading, and can make substantial improvements in reducing 'Do Not Honour' decline codes.
Acquirer Agnostic
As the APEXX Payment Orchestration Platform is a connection hub without an APEXX owned acquiring platform we have no incentive to direct our merchant's transactions anywhere but to the optimal provider for that merchant.
Our merchants can simply use the granular data that is on offer from our platform to make an informed decision themselves as to which provider they will derive most benefit from sending specific portions of their transactional traffic to.
How does it work?
Truly Global Processing Locally
Doing business in new markets is always fraught with complications from fulfilment to logistics to legal obstacles etc. APEXX specialises in guiding enterprise merchants into new markets. The APEXX Gateway offers truly global coverage to local processors in the complex new markets that you are trying to enter. Local processing helps merchants avoid exorbitant foreign exchange fees on their cross-border transactions, as well as boosting the chances of acceptance, and avoiding scheme mandated cross-border fees.
We connect with leading acquirers, PSPs and APMs across the world to build bespoke solutions best suited to your business.
Any type, anywhere.
APEXX currently has an ever expanding suite of over 120 integrated 'Alternative Payment Methods'. In a commercial environment where cash and card no longer simply dominate the payments landscape it is essential for enterprise merchants to have a thorough understanding of which APMs are popular in which of their key markets, and to have a gateway that is technically capable of giving them access to all of the methods they need instantly.
In consumer facing business trust is a must. If your business has a through understanding of the types of payment methods it's customers like to use in each of its major markets the uptick in conversion of sales can be considerable. In terms of the anthropology of payments we do not pay the same the world over and the forward-thinking enterprise merchant will alway be looking to integrate more locally trusted payment methods to drive their sales.
The global APM market has never been so changeable or diverse, to learn more about payments trends in major markets Click Here